Conversation about technology

Posted by Felix January 3, 2008:
I do NOT want to live in a world where it's illegal for me to rip my own CDs onto my own computer, even if Justin Fox and everybody else assures me that it's only illegal *in theory* and that in practice I won't be *actually prosecuted* for doing so. If the RIAA is moving towards a status quo wherein ripping legally-purchased CDs is illegal, then they must be stopped.

Posted by Justin Fox January 3, 2008:
Well, happily, Holman Jenkins has a column in today's WSJ about the bright prospects for private space travel.

Posted by p_lukasiak January 4, 2008:
screw space travel. Last night, letterman said that some scientist claims that by 2050, robots will be so human like that we'll be having sex with them! Now THAT's the future! ;-)

Posted by Justin Fox January 4, 2008:
Well yeah, just as long as you don't try making unauthorized copies of them.

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