In case you're wondering

Yes, I'm very angry at how the presidential primaries are going, and not in a talk-show host, I liked to get riled up about everything kind of way. This morning I considered the possibility of not helping charities or donating blood anymore because I don't want to run the risk of accidentally helping out a voter in Michigan or Iowa. It's not a red vs. blue thing here... the Democratic party and Republican party both overwhelmingly have supported the single worst candidate in their respective primaries.

I'm not going to accept this claim that it's just the majority, either: true American candidates like Joe Biden and Bill Richardson were pushed out of the campaign almost immediately because they received 0% support, while scores of people backed a so-called liberal candidate who believes in censorship and oppression, and believes in perpetuating war, doesn't want to talk to world leaders because she logic on par with a second grader's to decide her foreign policy, and has no problem insensitively throwing around loaded words to describe just about everything because she's incapable of recognizing that there are people who may not agree with her but still deserve her respect.

Well, you know what, fuck you guys. It's your country, you drive it into the ground. By the time anyone figures out that this isn't the new season of American Idol, we're going to have a ruthless amoral idiot from Massachusetts in charge of our country, who openly condones torture, hypocrisy, and isolation. Let me rephrase that: running your country. Because my voice went hoarse before I was even old enough to vote in this joke of a fucking government. Calling it a democracy doesn't make it so.

In Japan they have full health care for every resident (even if they're not a citizen). In China they have stringent environmental standards for everything they build. In France they banned smoking. Think about that for a minute.

In America we're still whipping out our two inch dick and calling it a yardstick. Go to hell.

1 comment:

DeathStar Detroit said...

*ahem* hear, hear. For the first time in, well, ever, I actually checked a couple of stances of candidates re: the stuff that I'm interested in, and only one person said anything of value about anything. This is fucking ridiculous. I gave up during the debates in '04.