Fox News Gives Me Hope

I know a lot of people are getting absolutely sick and tired of this election and all the ugliness, but I've seen the ugliness of this underbelly of America for years, and I find a lot of hope and inspiration in the fact that as it rears its ugly head, America is banding together to fight it. So I'm not passing these on as ugliness, but as optimism.

That said, Joe The Plumber was quoted today as saying that an Obama Presidency would mean the death of the State of Israel. The comment was explicitly defended by a McCain spokesman, stating that this showed the perception of the American people, proof positive that we can't trust Obama.

Fox News' anchorman is Shepard Smith, their top newscaster and an right-wing loyalist who has staunchly defended both McCain and Palin, and taken great effort to spin everything they say in their favor. I want to share with you a direct quote, on air, from Shepard Smith, at 12:50pm today:

"I just want to make this 100% perfectly clear: Barack Obama has said repeatedly, and demonstrated repeatedly, that Israel will always be a friend of the United States. No matter what happens, once he becomes President of the United States... the rest of it... some things... it just gets frightening sometimes."

At that point, he hung his head in remorse, and cut to commercial.

I see that as hope.

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