How I will win the presidency

When I run for President in, oh, I don't know, 2024, I can tell you exactly how I will win the presidency, in two sentences. I will first give you a guarantee that the tactic will not be tried before then, it will not be proposed by a single advisor, and not only will the press find it brilliant but the people will be drawn to me and will vote for me in drove for this tactic alone. My opponent will call it a brazen parlor trick, and he will lose.

I will hold rallies and town hall meetings with my party. In addition, I will hold public town hall meetings, very loosely organized (think a college Q&A), where the people invited will be my opponents constituency.

That's all there is to it. Endure their tirades for an hour, reply when I deem it necessary, and I guarantee you that a sufficient number of them will say to themselves, "I may not agree with him, but he's listening to us." It will work.

See you in 2024.

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