Thoughts on the Debate

Well, we were right on the media appraisal of the debate. They were very impressed that Palin made it ninety minutes without peeing herself. But I could only find one article that even mildly suggested that Palin was in any way worthy to share the stage with Biden, with the following sentence:

"Biden was expected to score. Palin looked like a teacher who had won a contest to debate a senator, and for a moment, was winning."

Impressive. In other words, She was very cute and very impressive trying to be a real politician, but she didn't have anyone fooled for a minute. There were also a lot of people saying that while everyone was paying attention to whether Palin would make a fool of herself, but managed to give a respectable appearance by completely ignoring anything the moderator said and obediently sticking to the talking points she spent all week memorizing, a lot of the real political woks were watching Biden just intently to see if he would make his trademark gaffs. Instead, he ended up looking like the most presidential person to take the stage thus far, including McCain and Obama. He was respectful, passionate, consistent, honest, aggressive, succinct (whaaaaa...?), and most of all, right. 

The media are trying desperately to show both sides of the issue, but the fact is, Obama's campaign was helped greatly by the VP debate, and while Palin didn't hurt McCain's campaign (not right away, we'll see what they say in a couple days after watching it and analyzing it), she definitely didn't help it. I don't think anyone... ANYONE... is even considering McCain a contender anymore. They're just being polite to the old war hero and the nice hockey mom for trying, and giving them a "participant" ribbon and a pat on the back.

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