Fuck Chrysler

What pisses me off about the “bailout” is that the amount of money they’re asking for is more than the profit margin of buying a car for every adult in the United States. So, even if EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US had bought a brand new American vehicle, it wouldn’t be enough for them to pay the bills, and they should still be in existence… why? To hell with "bankruptcy," Chrysler should just shut the fuck down. Ford can stay, they should just fire every single one of their managers, and then Ford and GM should be forced to make an IPO. Instead of "bailing out" the auto industry, the government should be able to just buy $75 worth of stock and give it to the people. It could just be sent in the mail based off our income taxes.

Fuck Detroit. It’s not like there were IT people fifty years ago. New industries do emerge.

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