Fuck this

As this day is coming to an end, do you know what occurs to me? I would get 4x as much work done, at least, if I worked from home, or even from a Starbucks. Even if every other aspect was the same—I still had to interact with my colleagues (by email, IM or phone), I still got the same amount of inquiries from clients, everything else the same, I can tell you that this job sucks the productivity out of me. This morning, I was absolutely juiced to get some work done. I was seriously rolling. Then, at 9:00, I was pulled away for a one hour meeting that had three minutes of information and 57 minutes of people whining. I even warned my supervisor that I had a full head of steam and was afraid the meeting would have a serious deflating effect.

Then, as I started rolling again, I was interrupted by the QA folks who wanted me to give them a report of information they already had, in a format I don’t usually use, so I had to sit and do stuff that had nothing to do with my job, typing out information I already had somewhere else. By then, I only had a half hour or so to do any real work before my mandated lunch break.

When I got back from lunch, I was deluged with a bunch of trivial, two or three minute interruptions that were in no way related to my work (they were solving problems created by my coworkers). Not only did I have to fix the problems, but I had to go over to my colleagues’ desks and listen to them explain to me for ten minutes why it was that they weren’t going to fix it themselves. Not only am I not a supervisor, but some of those colleagues are my superiors. Unfortunately, my supervisors don’t believe in doing any supervising themselves; instead, they just have us type up reports explaining how it is we’re doing their jobs.

Last, but not least, my ex-supervisor kept interrupting me asking me how I was doing. I said fine, and tried to get back to work, but she started moping about how she wasn’t important anymore, now that I have a new supervisor. Meanwhile, my new supervisor, the one who had coffee with me and talked to me about how I had more potential than just being a processor, has been denying every request I have submitted to attend conferences and meetings to help make things more efficient and sustainable, saying it was more important that I was at my desk entering addresses.

Now I feel completely sapped. I barely have the energy to return to work. Worst of all, I have the distinct memory of how I felt six hours ago, rearing to get things done, and the knowledge that the energy would still be in me if I had been actually working all day instead of dealing with all of the above. As it is, I’ve barely gotten anything done today, and now I don’t want to.

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