All Hail the Conservatives

One interesting byproduct of Obama taking office is that it tarnishes the reputation of liberals. You notice that? I certainly have. Obama’s pretty far to the left—I’d go so far to say that a majority of Americans are to the right of him ideologically, if only slightly, but because he’s a true president (lower-case), he takes more conservative opinions into consideration.

Meanwhile, liberal pundits like Maddow, Olbermann, Randi Rhodes et al are starting to look like freaks and assholes. They’ve wasted no time sharply criticizing Obama for not being critical enough. One of the people on Countdown last night went so far as to say that Obama should be lumped in with Cheney and Ashcroft as being pro-torture, because he has not vocally and unwaveringly called for their immediate arrest and detainment. I’ve heard a few liberals (they’re literally lying around on the street here) rant about how Obama’s a traitor because he’s still going to spend the bailout money on businesses instead of giving it back.

So for all of us who tend to be in the center ideologically, all these liberals who were on the same side of the spectrum as us when compared to Bush are starting to sound like a bunch of ideological dipshits, while people like Shepard Smith and Wolf Blitzer are starting to make some sense.

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