Major Stephan Cook

These posts are going to be more and more frequently links to The Vigilante Mind, once I figure my way around Google Sites... I will still use I, Portlander for my personal opinions and rants about work, and shift all my political commentaries over to the new site. But in the meantime, I bring you this:


Now, those of you who have followed this story know that Major Cook has since been fired from his government job and disgraced, and his case was exposed as opportunism, the lawsuit was frivolous, and his intent in suing was explicitly to force the President to 'prove' that he's an American citizen. So we'll ignore the issue that Major Cook wanted us to look at. Instead, what's this about a soldier committing war crimes if he serves under the orders of someone other than the President?

Have we already forgotten about Blackwater (since rebranded as Xe)? What about the soldiers from Canada, Sweden, Switzerland, Norway, et al. who have served in wars that their country was not a part of? Were they war criminals? I was in talks with the Navy a few years back—they wanted me to do some cartography in Iraq (I would have likely been based in Europe), presumably in an effort to find enemy camps. I would have been a plainclothes, as are the majority of people helping in the war. Plainclothes contractors aren't under the command of the President. Are they war criminals too?

The fact of the matter is that we have to stop taking people like this at face value. Major Cook was not a patriot fighting for what he believed in, nor did he honestly believe that anyone in the world was concerned with President Obama's authority to lead the army (though I do believe he is convinced that Obama is secretly not American, simply because that's what he's told to believe). Major Cook is a hack job who is in the camp of The Twenty-Six (tune into future podcasts to find out what that means)—people who don't care one way or another about our country, but are just having fun with their time in the spotlight. Major Cook isn't a patriot, nor is he a traitor—he's just an idiot.

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