Wheel of Fortune

You know, I like blogger in that it doesn't cost anything, isn't on MySpace, and is free. That being said, I actually own some really nice blogging software, the problem is that in order to use it to its fullest capacity I would need 1) internet at home and 2) a dotmac account, the two of which combined would cost me $60 a month, more or less, just so I could write blogs that nobody would read. Sure, I'd have the internet at home, but I'm not really much of an internet user. I check my email regularly, and I like to read reviews on things I might like to buy, but really the only other thing I've found I do on the internet is look up free porn. While it's certainly an entertaining endeavor, it's not really a vital part of my life, and if I'm not even willing to pay $10 a month for the porn itself, I'm certainly not going to pay $60 a month to access it.

One thing I've been relying heavily on the internet for recently, however, is watching presidential debates. I've really been getting into them. That, and interviews with the candidates. It's like reality TV, with a dozen or so goofballs going through all these ridiculous contests, taking swipes at each other while still pretending they need to work together as a team, all for this great final prize of being the leader of the Free World (at least the part of it between L.A. and New England). With the writers strike going on, they should just have weekly debates with the candidates, and just advertise the hell out of it during reruns of Two and a Half Men. Christ, if they kept it going all the way to November, we might get as many people voting for the next president as we get voting for The Bachelor.

The main two things I enjoy about watching the debates—first, the Wheel of Fortune aspect of the debates (see, there was a reason for the blog title after all). That is that when you're at home watching Wheel of Fortune, all the puzzles are glaringly obvious, and you can't believe how dumb the contestants are. You don't consider the fact that those contestants are freaking out- there they are, with Pat Sajak talking to them, hundreds of people watching them and millions judging them at home. I'm surprised they can remember their name. As a recovered actor, I can remember millions of times when those lines that I had been saying every day for three months, which should be flowing steadily out of my mouth, are gone to some far-off galaxy, having a glass of wine, leaving me to fall on my metaphorical ass.

Crap, I'm out of time. I'll write a Part 2 later. Toodles.

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