I'll admit it sounds silly out loud...

“So, does it seem immoral to buy a used iPod off a homeless guy at the Sherwood McDonalds for 45 bucks? I don’t need a whole new iPod, I just need some kind of nano, and he put up a thing on Craigslist at like 2:00 last night saying he was getting rid of his iPod. I bought one from a dude in the Carribean last week, but he sent it to me and it wouldn’t stay on for more than 15 minutes at a time, so I mailed it back to Puerto Rico this morning, and now I need another iPod. I’ve gotten plenty of possible justifications- he needs the money to pay taxes; he got it off some other homeless guy; some jogger dropped it and now he’s just selling it to another jogger… in any of those situations I’m not responsible for any wrongdoing per se. Just so long as it’s not store-packaged, I should be fine.”

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