Whose office is more interesting?

At times mine feels like it’s coming straight out of Gervais’ show. For instance (none of this is made up):
PANICKED SPECIALIST: “John*, I just got off the phone with a client. She’s really confused about this issue, and said she wanted information on it A-SAP.” (she actually says ‘asap’ phonetically, as a word)

JOHN: “What did you tell her?”

PANICKED SPECIALIST: “Well, she’s your client, so I told her you’d give her a call. I told her you would call her back within five minutes.”

JOHN: (pulls out an egg timer from his drawer and sets it to 4 minutes and 30 seconds) “I’ll call her back later.”
John then proceeds to get up from his chair and go to the donut table, with his panicked co-worker still standing in his cube.

P.S. As I was writing this, the timer went off, at which point John calmly finished a bite of his donut, wiped the crumbs off his mouth, picked up the phone and called the client, with 10 seconds to spare.

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