It's not worth it

I'm trying to wrap my head around these alleged 21% of Hillary supporters who are adamantly saying that they will vote for McCain, many of whom were campaigning of McCain right outside of the convention while Hillary is onstage inside saying "No way, no how, no McCain!" They asked one woman why she's insisting on voting for McCain instead of Obama and she said, "because Hillary deserves our respect." Yeah, that's how you respect someone, by ignoring their please to help their cause and devoting yourself to helping their enemy to succeed (and in this case, run/ruin their country).

Ultimately, it's just easier to destroy something than it is to fix it, and for a few moments afterwards, it feels pretty good to watch something get destroyed. Those 21% of Hillary supporters would get a nice feeling for a couple days watching Obama fail, as punishment for what he did to Hillary. Then, their husbands will lose their jobs. Their bosses will stop offering health insurance. Their kids will get sick and bankrupt them. Their house will foreclose. Their brothers will die in Iraq. Their country will be the laughing stock of the entire world. They will never get a raise again.

All for a few minutes of watching someone who desperately wanted to help them being punished before their very eyes. God damn you for trying to destroy our happiness for your own selfish little purposes. Fuck you.

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