Make No Mistake

He will win. I have no doubt in my mind. People have been analyzing this election to death, and people have been saying they won't vote for Obama because they don't know him well enough, etc. There are almost no undecideds, they allege; everyone's in their own camp. And McCain hasn't even been selected yet. There has not been a single debate. We didn't even know who his running mate was until this morning.

So I think there are a hell of a lot more undecideds than they say. This is what we're up against (direct quote, nonbracketed ellipses from the author):

I was a Hillary supporter who would have voted for Obama IF he had chosen Hillary as his VP! [...] Now along comes John McCain…with whom I agree with on some things…and he picks a female GOVERNER as his VP! I’ll tell you right now: McCain has my vote come November.

That's how "decided" the decided voters are. They're picking a candidate "with whom [they] agree on some things" because they want a woman to be Vice President. That's not decided. One word from Palin that she thinks abortion is God's choice alone, that education is not a high priority, and that the government should control what goes on in your back yard, versus Biden, who is directly credited with reducing violence against women and street violence by as much as 20%, whose wife is a teacher (as is Obama's), and those votes will go snapping over to the Dems' side.

People are trying to discredit Obama's lead before his campaign has even started. His campaign kicked off last night with his acceptance speech, when he laid down the foundation for a concise, aggressive, proactive campaign. Biden has already gone on the attack against the Republicans' policies, and both have in no vague terms rendered personal attacks, questions of character, and the "celebrity" offense unusable. And the Republicans don't have anything else in their bag of tricks to use against the undecideds.

My prediction: they will lose every independent vote in the country. The so-called "Hillary Democrats" are claiming to back McCain. But two months is a loooong time to consider the gravity of such a comment. And with Hillary supporting Obama, there's no one to keep them. The Republicans don't know how.

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