Joe Biden made a speech about the Republican promise to help kids with disabilities, yet they oppose stem cell research. The Republicans now say that Biden has reached "a new low" in politics by attacking Palin's child with Downs Syndrome.

Wait a fucking minute. Palin was the one who said in her speech that parents of children with disabilities will have "a friend in the White House." That's a campaign promise. And it's an out and out fucking lie. The single most effective way to treat disabilities is with stem cell research, which Biden, Obama, and McCain all support, which the conservative Supreme Court has allowed, and which Palin opposes without exception.

So the Republicans get to make these blanket statements promising the world, and if Democrats respond, even tacitly, they're sinking to a new low and using schoolyard bullying? What the fuck?

Just like Obama's statement about putting "lipstick on a pig," a saying that McCain has himself used, and which they immediately say is a sexist jab against Palin (even though he was talking about McCain). But it was Palin who used the lipstick line in her own acceptance speech. Once again, they can make statements that appeal to voters, but it's below the belt for Democrats to respond.

And just to top it off, they're boycotting any news station who challenges any of them on their records. An interviewer asked for examples of what executive decisions Palin has made as governor of Alaska, and McCain's campaign said they would no longer appear on that station because they were being prejudiced against small states. What!?!? Jesus Christ. Then they're blaming Obama for accusations (which are incidentally, true) against McCain and Palin made by nonpartisan political analysts. They're essentially claiming that intelligence as a whole has a liberal bias.

Well, at least they got that one thing right.

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