Those who support Palin

The following is an actual online conversation between me and someone online. This is in response to Charlie Gibson asking Palin about the Bush Doctrine, which Palin had never heard of. WARNING: Graphic language, read with care. I started this blog as a place to be as crude as possible, but even I find this content offensive.
Charles Gibson is the dumbass here she knows what the bush doctrine is she just told him

My response: the Bush Doctrine is an actual specific mandate, similar in procedure to the Emancipation Proclamation. It's a historical item. It's not Palin's opinion of what Bush does. Think of it this way: if you hit someone with a car, even as an accident, would you hire a lawyer who had never heard of vehicular manslaughter? If you are in a country which is at war, would you want a Vice President who has never heard of the statute we wrote as our reason to go to war?

Give it up. You have no dam idea what you are babbling about.
My response: Why would I give up if I could learn something from you? The Bush Doctrine (capital letters) has been in political conversations since 2003 referring to the official justification for the Iraq war, why a preemptive strike was justified. A doctrine (lower case) can refer to a general opinion, but Charlie Gibson here was clearly talking about The Bush Doctrine. Which part of that am I misunderstanding?

And he goes straight to this well-thought response:

You're a nigger faggot. Ever notice how it is the high school and coolege aged kids that hate on Palin? It is also the welfare niggers, gays/lesbians, neo/socialists, drug addicts. Thats the voting base Obama has.
This is the mindset we're up against, folks.

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