Why I volunteer for kitchen duty

I could go into some long-winded diatribe about how bad my roommate is at cleaning, but wouldn't a concrete example be more effective? The dishwasher. She doesn't clean off dishes first, doesn't pre-rinse, just dumps them into a pile in the dishwasher, and hits start. Considering how filthy the dishes are after they've run through the dishwasher, I'm not entirely positive that she adds detergent.

But what I'd like to share with you today is how she unloads the dishes. You would think I would like a roommate who unloads the dishwasher. But then, you have to understand that I'm the type of person who actually separates my silverware by size, and doesn't stack plastic and ceramic dishes together. I'm not clean, per se, I'm just organized. And that's my picadillo, I understand that. But this woman unloads the bottom by throwing everything into one cupboard, whether it's pots, pans, tupperware, anything. She dumps the silverware caddy into one drawer without separating them (even though she has a silverware tray that has the different slots labeled– my theory is that an ex-boyfriend bought it for her in a futile effort to get her to care). As for the top rack... well, I took a picture but it's not uploading so let me just describe it to you. These are all the things that she put in the top cupboard last time she unloaded the dishwasher. As a basis of comparison, when I clean, that's where I put the cups.

Top row of cupboard (left to right): pyrex mixing bowl. Ice cube tray.2 bowls. 3 saucers. A plate.
Second row: 2 more bowls, same size as on top row. A cup. The cutting board. A glass.
Third row: She doesn't use plates, so here are where all the plates are that I put in the cupboard. There are also several cups that were already there. Then she put in 2 more bowls, same size. A divided serving plate, and along the raised divider she has balanced a mason jar lid and two large cups. 2 travel mugs. One more saucer, on top of which she put a pickle jar.

If you're not quite grasping this, I'll email you the picture. Try drawing it in your mind. Here's a fun game: go into your kitchen and ask yourself: where am I going to put the ice tray? Or the cutting board? How about the pickles?

One can only hope, with her cleaning skills, that the double-wide she will inevitably inhabit has sufficient space for her to fit the whole fucking refrigerator in that tray under the stove.

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