Britney Spears is proof that we have failed

For the first 215 years of our history as a country and for endless years beforehand it was established that success comes from patience, practice, and hard work. A lot of people were born into money, but for the most part, a straight line could be drawn between success and dedication. That hasn't been the case for all cultures; many cultures based success on bloodlines, superstition, or tradition– those cultures have failed.

Others have written very similar, almost identical blogs about this fact, but I will say it again: in recent history, in my lifetime, there have been enough people who "failed upwards" into a successful place in life to take over from the top of the hill. This was the exact syndrome that led to the fall of Rome (among others). Managers are hiring other dipshits to work below them, and many American companies are failing, not because they are outdated or being outdone, but because the prevailing philosophy at the top has been shameless nepotism.

For those industries where the nepotized dipshits have not yet taken over, they have moved in through another route. This route is paved by a combination of lack of education in our country (ironically, because school boards are electorates of aforementioned cretins) and an amoral intelligence of the wizards behind the curtain. It's hard work to maintain and steer a prodigy: look at the self-destructive natures of many of our greatest musicians, actors, and writers. My personal theory is that man can only reach that certain muse by digging so far into his own soul that he shreds it in the process. But anyway. Those people are almost impossible to control, especially once they hit a point where they know they no longer need the bureaucratic powers that be. It is much easier to steer some podunk flaptwat from Louisiana into the limelight, give her a pushup bra, and market her as the next Joni Mitchell. It only works because intelligence and free thought have been punished in the most recent generations, where the retarded and nonsentient have been given a house on the hills and a credit card (as they are the direct result of those who "failed upward" in the previous generation, and said anti-failure bought a trophy wife, popped out a couple kids, and devoted the rest of his life to neglecting them).

So now we have a mass market of very rich and brainless throwing to the slaughter whichever lamb has the nicest tits. You can tell they're the dumbest of our population because they were somehow surprised when the bitch shaved off her hair in a drug-addled psychosis. No, my friends, that's what people from Louisiana are like. We just usually ignore them until they die at 45. These are the same people who are going to be surprised when Hannah Montana goes apeshit in six years and ends up with an ankle bracelet and a venereal disease. My fine folk, this is Billy Ray Cyrus' daughter. Neither of them made it into Mensa. They're our clowns, our jesters... we chose them to lead our magazine covers because we won't really be all that upset when they prove themselves to be the denegration of society.

Which is exactly what they are. Miley Cyrus did not get where she is by hard work. There is no such thing at age 14. Neither did any of the Backstreet Boys (did you hear? One of the BB's has become a successful producer and savvy businessman and made a dignified success story of his life! You didn't hear that? That's because it'd be fucking absurd). Trust me, the CEO of Ford, the manager of the Yankees, the President of the United States, Britney Spears, and the Senator of New York– they all come from the same pool. We made it past the era of inbreeding, not quite to the level of cybernetic retardation, so instead we have an era of the deaf leading the blind: the retarded, leading the tits.

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